LA Underlined - Live Session - Kore - (B&W) (57 of 119).jpg

Find Your Key.

“I have to split my brain in two”, is what I hear most from my piano students, and they’re right. With piano tuition you can learn to unlock that part of your brain that allows you to focus on two hands doing two different things at the same time. The piano, I find, is also the best instrument to learn in order to read music properly. Our lessons will take us into the world of left and right hand playing and the notes and clefs that lie therein!

We’re going to get those fingers in the gym to start getting them working independently, and our program of progress will be as slow or as fast as suits you and your ability level, following mainly the ABRSM syllabus of teaching, though you do not have to take the exams if you don’t want to!

From Claire de Lune to The Fur Elise, to Adele’s ‘Someone Like You’, the piano has been used to create some of the most beautiful pieces, and you could learn them, whether your starting out or already underway!

All lessons are billed on a monthly basis.